LOCATION: Rocco's NY Pizza & Pasta (1168, 10860 W Charleston Blvd # 190, Las Vegas, NV 89135)
GUEST(S): Robin Rothman, Paul Rothman, Lily Rothman
ORDER: 2 slices of cheese
A New York State of Pie. Rocco's NY Pizza & Pasta is turning Vegas into a sixth borough of New York City one giant slice of folded thin crust pizza at a time. Take one step in the place and you're instantly transported to a slice joint 2,000 miles away. Complete with a group of hard working dough slingers, four stacked up Baker's Pride deck ovens, and a glass counter with slice offerings, Rocco's is the real deal. The only thing separating it are the prices. Every Monday, you can get a large cheese pizza for under $11. And these pizzas are almost-too-big-for-the-box big. They are also loaded with industry best Grande mozzarella cheese and a generous helping of tomato sauce. You might want to use two hands when you eat or, of course, you can fold it like a New Yorker. Whether you choose to funnel the trademark orangish-yellow oil on to your plate, dab it with napkin, or just eat it as is, that's up to you. The only I can assure you is that there won't be much left when you're done. According to their website, Rocco is a New York native and his family is from Southern Italy. His story is the story of pizza. Limiting the number of patrons in the store, temporarily closing the dine-in area, and requiring masks of all staff and customers must be negatively affecting the foot traffic required to sell their pizza by the slice but I admire the extra protocols during this pandemic and I can't wait to go back to Rocco's NY Pizza & Pasta.
Day 12
Robin, Paul, Sean
1. Robin and I are still quarantining away from her parents (day 5) requiring us to wear masks, wash our hands constantly, and keep our distance. We found that eating on the patio is a great place to eat together only apart. Tonight we had a slice of pizza as an appetizer before our dinner cooked on the grill. I had seconds of both.
2. I was flattered to be mentioned in an article about National Pizza Month written by Liz Barrett Foster. Here's a link to the article: https://www.mashed.com/259394/what-you-didnt-know-about-national-pizza-month/ Thanks, Liz! #nationalpizzamonth


15/18 = .833 x 5 = 4.17
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