Thursday, November 20, 2008

DAY 22: OCTOBER 22nd, 2008 - Sal and Carmine

DAY 22: OCTOBER 22nd, 2008

LOCATION: Sal & Carmine (Broadway at 100th St., NYC)

ORDER: 1 slice of cheese

GUEST(S): Lance Kushner, Ann Rooney, Charles Divak, Alana O'Brien, Dan Blednick, Sarah Todd, Robin Rothman, Jennifer Schoenfeld, Kitzi Taylor

Hard on the outside, delicate on the inside. This describes both the outer crust of the pizza as well as the crusty old owner, Sal. He's a no nonsense Neopolitan who opened up a pizzeria with his brother years ago and has been churning out great tasting slices ever since. The secret - "real ingredients." According to Sal, there is no substitute for real cheese and real tomato sauce. The drawback is the price. Even though the tomatoes are from California, someone has to pay for their transport to New York City...and then add a little more because you can't get anything cheap in the Upper West Side, but you can get something delicious. Just go to Sal & Carmine. I'll come with you. We'll see if it's possible to make the ol' curmudgeon break a smile.

1. After our win today, my softball team (the Blue Balls) clinched a playoff berth. Sarah Todd, our 2nd base-person made cupcakes for us all since this was the last game of the season. They were delicious.

2. It just so happens my mom was in town the day between when I was in Chicago and departing to New Orleans. With a little more luck she was available to come to my game and potentially fill in if needbe. We had enough players so we didn't need her but it was nice having someone else out there to shag balls during batting practice.


Video edited by Tony Carnevale
Nominated for "Best in Show" at 2008 Sliceys

NOTE: This video is a part of the 2008 Pizza Video competition. 10 editors were given footage for 10 different "pizza days" and plenty of creative license. This video is for entertainment purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, Sean Taylor, or the pizza establishment.

  • VALUE:


  • TASTE:

  • SERVICE: N/A 0/0

11/18 = .611 x 5 = 3.05

1 comment:

Pinstripe Destiny said...

RIP Sal...the Upper West Side will miss you!!!