Thursday, October 2, 2003

Day 2, 2003: Domino's Pizza (LES, NYC)

DAY 2: October 2nd
LOCATION: Domino's Pizza (Allan St & Houston St) during Variety Underground @Parkside Lounge (317 E. Houston St.)
GUEST(S): Tony Carnevale, Aaron & Tony, Shockwave, Samantha (the waitress), Esto, the Left Overs, Margot Leitman, VU regulars - Neil Casey, Kevin Cragg, Amey Goerlich, Kevin Hines, Janella Hong, Erik Tanouye, and the entire audience of Variety Underground.
ORDER: 1 slice of cheese

PIZZA REPORT: Um, not so good. The slice I had suffered from a number of pizza related problems, yet I still ate it. First of all, I ordered the pizza to be ready at 6:30pm for the 7pm show. I think it was ready at 6:10, giving it 20 extra minutes to cool down. Pizza is best when it's piping hot, in my opinion. The second problem was the bubble factor. During the cooking process it is common (if the pizza crust is not perforated) for the dough to bubble up. Once a bubble forms, the cheese and tomato sauce slide off the bubble due to gravity leaving a bite-size patch of crusty dough in the middle of the pie. My pizza had not one but two bubbles on it. The third problem was red-edge-overcompensation. This occurs when the pizzamaker puts too much cheese or too little sauce on the outer crust. My slice was a victim of both. I did still eat the whole slice. My slice's redeeming quality; the sauce. Domino's pizza has really tasty tomato sauce.
  • Margot Leitman has got a new hair color and VU likes it!
  • Shockwave discovered he can mimic a new sound; the sound of a wet finger on the rim of a crystal cup
  • In honor of pizza month VU will be serving free pizza from 5 different pizza places. Next week Erik Tanouye has offered to give a gift on his birthday and provide the pizza for the Oct 9thVariety Underground.

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