LOCATION: Chrissy's Pizza (142 Nassau Ave., Green Point 11222)
GUEST(S): Michael McLarnon, Austin Kuras, Shaun Farrugia
ORDER: 2 slices of Cheese, 2 slices of Special (Spicy Soppressata, banana peppers)
Best in the business. Although Chrissy’s Pizza didn’t officially open its doors in Greenpoint until October (National Pizza Month) 2024, the pizza maker has long since been perfecting his craft. Chris Hansell began during the lockdown portion of the pandemic baking pizzas in his apartment as people clamored to get one. The overwhelming popularity of his creations prompted the move into a pop-up that, again, instantly sold out. This led him to open a brick and mortar pizzeria in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. However, rather than satisfying patron's desires, the demand for Chrissy’s pizza continues to rise. You will recognize the cozy, seatless storefront by the line of people that wait for upwards of an hour just to order one of Chris’s 16” pies. It’s pies only, of course, as they can’t make them fast enough to even consider selling them by the slice. And these pies aren’t cheap. But, when a pizza tastes this good, it’s worth it. Chrissy’s pizza looks like a picture perfect version of the ideal pizza and tastes even better. The attention that Chris devotes to every component including the carefully fermented dough, the embedded cornmeal, the expertly sourced toppings, the precision baking, and the post-oven garnishes sets his pizza apart from the rest. My particular favorite parts are the crispness of the thin crust and outer edge and the generous amount of savory tomato sauce layered on to every pie. The “lot of sauce” to “just the right amount of low moisture mozzarella cheese” ratio aligns perfectly with my tastes - especially with the addition of post-oven grated pecorino. I recommend going with a friend (since at the time I am writing this, customers are limited to one pie person) and ordering one Cheese pie and one Daily Special. The daily special varies every day but you can rely on it being beyond “special.” I hope the initial success paves the way to a larger pizzeria with seats, a bathroom, and maybe a shorter wait time. In the meantime, this should be on the Pizza passport list for every pizza enthusiast in the city. Make your pilgrimage now, after all, Chrissy’s is well on its way to be a Wonder of the Modern Pizza World.
menu board
Cheese pie
slice of Cheese
Day 27
Special Pie (Spicy Soppressata, banana peppers)
slice of Special
coming soon
Sean Taylor, Austin Kuras, Shaun Farrugia, Michael McLarnon
1. Austin Kuras, Shaun Farrugia, Michael McLarnon and I all met at the Magnet Theater. Austin and I both met the women that would become our wives there as well. Shaun and Michael currently are in the cast of You Are Not Alone. It's a once-a-month improv comedy show that I strongly recommend!
Sean, Austin, Shaun, Michael
3. For those who are clamoring to know, yes, my Williamsburg Fall softball team (Propaganda Props) won our game today! Thanks to my recent trip to the batting cage with my niece and nephew up in Indiana and a tip from my brother-in-law, I went 4 for 6 with a 3 RBIs.


17/18 = .944 x 5 = 4.72
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