LOCATION: Papa John's Pizzeria (28th St and 7th Ave, NYC)
ORDER: 1 slice
GUEST(S): The audience and fellow improvisers at Thursday Night Out at the Magnet Theater
PIZZA REVIEW: Better Ingredients, Better Pizza...than other major pizza chains. As a former employee, taking a bite of Papa John's pizza brings me back. Before I knew about brick ovens, sharp cheese, olive oil, coal fired cooking, fresh mozzarella, and homegrown herbs and spices, Papa John's pizza reigned supreme. Prepared in the Neopolitan style (aesthetically) with a round shaped crust, a thick outer edge and thin underside, I fell in love. A New York pizzeria in suburban Tampa, Florida! Proudly I "slapped dough" and carefully measured the precise amount of sweet tomato sauce to apply to countless identical dough shells. Everything from dough proofing to topping application to "bubble popping" to pie cutting was down to a science. The final result was better than anything else. Pizza has always been my favorite food and, for nearly a decade, Papa John's was my favorite maker of it. But, of course, I moved to New York City and a whole new echelon of great pizza has been added to the hierarchy. There's a special place in my heart for Papa John's but I'd rather it be in my heart and not my stomach.
MISC.: 1. Every Thursday at the Magnet Theater there is a community night where anyone, for $7, can come watch a whole night of improv comedy, get free Papa John's pizza, and get dollar beers from 7-midnight. The pizza is delivered around 8pm so get it while it's hot. Click here for details for Thursday Night Out.
2. My improv comedy team is Junior Varsity. We perform nearly every week and love having packed houses (full crowds). So, come to our show and if we don't make you laugh during the show, we'll tickle you afterward.
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