LOCATION: Palmira's (Clark Street and Hicks Street, Brooklyn Heights, BROOKLYN)
GUEST(S): Miranda Smith
ORDER: 5 slices of cheese, 1 slice of spinach and sausage

PIZZA REPORT: Looks great, tastes adequate. When ordering pizza at Palmira's, make sure you add a topping (or two). The toppings are well prepared, well distributed, and...well, the best part of the slice. I found my single slice of spinach and sausage to be the most enjoyable. I did still consume five other slices of fresh mozzarella but the sparsely applied sauce on the conventional oven crust left several of my taste buds un-stimulated. Though I am unsure of their scientific name, I am pretty sure I know what would have satisfied my wanna-have-more-tomato-sauce taste buds, in particular.
ATMOSPHERE: Palmira's provides an elegant yet family-friendly dining room. The lamps scattered throughout cast a soft light filling in where the candlelight from the tables does not. There are also couches and tall plants filling out the space between the bright white clothed tables. Fabric napkins, heavy silverware, and regularly refilled water goblets make you think you are in a place way to fancy to serve $7 pizzas - but the menu confirms otherwise. The wait staff was extremely helpful and suggested several items that were not pizza, indicating that pizza was not their signature dish. After eating, I should hope so much. That being said, everything inside was so nice, I cannot help but recommend Palmira's for its ambience, just not for its pizza.
VERDICT: 2.5 out of 5

MISC.: Miranda Smith and I talked about Astrology, the letter "ess", women's intuition, luck, and enemies.
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