LOCATION: Lombardi's Pizzeria (Spring and Mott Street, NYC)
GUEST(S): Matt Floyd, Valerie Taylor
ORDER: 3 slices of cheese, 1 slice of Pepperoni

PIZZA REPORT: I love Lombardi's pizza. I will gladly join the countless masses of people that have uttered that phrase over the past 101 years. The fresh mozzarella cheese patches topped with diced basil, floating in a sea of specially seasoned tomato sauce was absolutely mouth watering. The fact all of this rested on a soft and warm coal fired crust was just perfect. My Margherita slices held their shape when I held them by the edge of the crust proving what a solid foundation the coal-fired crust provides on top of being so delicious. The slice of pepperoni did not pass the solid foundation test but most certainly aced the taste test. One could say that hand cut pepperonis were a bit heavier in both weight and flavor. Both pizzas had some charring around the outer edges which I see as a kisses from a coal fired brick oven. I can't blame the oven for moving in on such great looking pizzas.
ATMOSPHERE: Right mood, right location, and right time of the night. Lombardi's interior is big enough for quick corporate lunch yet intimate enough to provide the perfect setting for a romantic evening (particularly, if your date likes Sinatra). It's roomy and warm with a polite wait staff. If there happens to be a crowd, merely give your name at the front and either step up to the full bar or sit down on the benches just outside. Located just a block from Little Italy, Lombardi's somehow manages to provide great service, delicious pizza, and clean comfortable seating at an amazingly reasonable price. Go to Lombardi's and see for yourself.
VERDICT: 5 out of 5

MISC.: Valerie Taylor, Matt Floyd and I talked about Nepal, terms of endearment, Frank Sinatra, Tennessee, and pick up lines.
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